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VSU Spiritualism Course - What is it all about? by Nigel Keenan

Spiritualism Course 2024, sign me up.

Spiritualism is a Science, a Philosophy and a Religion. I really liked the concept, but as someone who was fairly new to Spiritualism, and having come from a Pentecostal Christian background  .. What does that even mean? How can that be possible?

Since I first walked through the doors of the North Melbourne church, and found my spiritual home in the VSU, I still had so many questions and internal conflicts that I needed to sort through. Thankfully it was recommended that I do the Spiritualism Course in 2023.

The course covers six of the key attributes of our Spiritualist faith, spread across six monthly Saturday sessions. You can join in via Zoom if you are unable to attend any session in person. This made it really easy to be present physically or virtually. Having monthly sessions gave me time to digest the information, and work on my assignments.

What, there is homework? Relax, it’s up to you if you want to do the assignments, and even which questions you want to answer. For some just being present and learning is enough. Even better, there is no right or wrong answer, just an opportunity for you to express your thoughts and understanding on the subject. Being a slight nerd, I really enjoyed researching the history of our churches in Melbourne.

It’s not all bookwork, but you get a great binder! At your first session you will be given a binder which contains the notes for each upcoming lesson. It’s a good idea to do these as pre-reading because thankfully, while the highly engaging presenters will refer to the notes, they won’t be talking directly from them. Instead each session is an opportunity for us to learn the fundamentals while engaging in open discussions and asking plenty of questions.

Do you get to ‘try things’? Absolutely, it wouldn’t be a Spiritualism course if after learning about them, we didn’t get a chance to try out and experience the various forms of mediumship and meditation. Some of those experiences enabled me to open my understanding, and they will be with me for the rest of my life.

It’s a great opportunity to meet people from across Melbourne, and explore Spiritualism in a safe and supportive environment. Plus you get fed, and  ... you all get a certificate!

I would recommend anyone to sign up today, I loved it.

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