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The VSU would love to hear from you

The VSU is currently in the process of producing a book on the history of Georgiana Houghton and the paintings we are custodians of.

As part of this, we would like to include a selection of public contributions on what the paintings mean to the members and visitors.  Perhaps you have felt a particular connection with a specific painting, or the collection have a special meaning or evoked an emotional response in you.

We are looking for short submissions for consideration by the end of March 2020 which is when we will be finalising the book for printing.

It will be going on sale later in 2020 to coincide with our 150th Anniversary, where you will get the opportunity to purchase a copy if you would like.

We look forward to receiving any heartfelt contributions.  Please email them to

Best wishes

Rev Lorraine Lee Tet


Victorian Spiritualists Union Inc

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