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VSU Courses & Classes

VSU Spiritualism Course 2025




This course has been designed to provide a sound basic knowledge of the Philosophy of Spiritualism and to assist students with the practical aspects of their development. Completion of this course is a prerequisite for entry into a Mediumship Development class.


​There are six (6) monthly Saturday sessions and they cover

  1. Philosophy of Spiritualism

  2. History of Spiritualism

  3. Phenomena and mediumship

  4. Clairvoyance and the development circle

  5. Spiritual healing and beliefs

  6. Meditation & Trance


Learn about the Seven Principles and the spiritual nature of man, scientific investigations of and evidence for Spiritualism and the various types of phenomena and mediumship. Hear of the importance of meditation, and of how to undertake your own spiritual development, and gain an overview of world religions and mysticism over the ages.

Manuals are provided and each session is presented by a different medium and includes homework to be completed and submitted before the next session.


This unique program is available for the cost of $250 


The 2025 course will be held at the Ringwood East Church located at 51 Patterson Street, 2:00pm to 5:00pm from April to September.  The course will also be delivered remotely via Zoom on these days.


Dates are: April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9, August 30 (note date change as at 27/2/2025)


Bookings are essential.




VSU Beginners Awareness Course 2025


This course is for people who are ready to start their spiritual development. It gives an overview of the fundamentals of working with spiritual energies and is designed to be only the beginning of a more in-depth journey.  


As a participant you will learn how to differentiate between working on a psychic level and working with spirit. You will learn to recognise and work with your own, and other people’s natural energies. 


The course will take place over 3 weeks, on Saturdays 1:00pm - 5:00pm. 
Dates for 2025 are 22nd February, 1st March & 8th March


Over the three sessions you will participate in many practical exercises which are especially designed to help you to discover your own innate abilities in a fun and safe environment.


These sessions cover:


  • Introduction to Spiritualism

  • Meditation  

  • Psychometry 

  • Auras and Chakras

  • Inspirational writing and speaking

  • Discussion groups 



The 2025 course will be held at the Ringwood East Church at 51 Patterson St, 


The cost for the course is $150 and a completion certificate will be available at the end of the course

Venue: 51 Patterson Street, Ringwood East



Meditation Classes

The VSU offer a variety of meditation classes each week led by experienced facilitators at each session.


North Melbourne

1st & 3rd Sundays of each month 1:00 - 2:00pm
Ideal for those new to Spiritual Meditation and those who are keen to pursue their Spiritual journey, this class is open to casual attendees with no booking required.  
Class fee is $10 per session and payable on the day.

2nd & 4th Sundays of each month 12:15 - 2:00 

This is a closed class with attendance by invitation only to current financial VSU members.  Class cost is $30 per month payable in advance.  This class is suited for those who have done some preliminary training in mediumship and ideal for those who are interested in sitting in a development circle in the future.


Ringwood East (Online)

Every Tuesday Evening from 7:30pm.

No prerequisites required, open for anyone wishing to attend meditation classes, but are unable to attend in person.  Classes are $7.50 per class, payable in advance for each month.  Once registered you will receive an automated Zoom link in your confirmation email, which is valid for the whole month.  You can register for each month on our Events Page here  Attendees are required to register at the beginning of each month.


Development Circles

The VSU also offer a variety of Development Circles for those wishing to progress their mediumship skills.  All circles are only available to financial VSU members who have completed our Spiritualism Course or similar.  Admittance to circles is on application to the President of each church.


North Melbourne

Tuesday evenings with Jordie Janes

Wednesday mornings (twice monthly) with Gaylene Brill

Wednesday evenings with Rev Lorraine Lee Tet


Ringwood East

Wednesday mornings with Maureen Ockenden

Thursday evenings with Michael Withington

New in 2024 - Kerry Alexander, with more details to come




Please direct inquiries for North Melbourne classes to

Please direct inquiries for Ringwood East classes to 


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